Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings
Friday, January 25, 2013
Location: Home of Keith & Linda Koch (during a snow storm)
JoAnn Knupp (president), Jim Dunne (Secretary), Gay Dunne, Keith Koch, Dick
Treasurers Report:
The proceeds from Victorian Christmas Arts & Crafts Show was $6,246; BHCA share
was $3,123. The report (see below) was approved.
Volunteer Fair: The Bellefonte Intervalley Area Chamber of Commerce will be once again sponsoring a free community Volunteer Fair on March 2, 2013 from 10:00 AM until 2:00 PM. The location will be Lambert Hall at the intersection of Forge Road and Blanchard Street in Bellefonte. The Volunteer Fair location is being hosted by the Undine Volunteer Fire Company and is completely free to exhibiting non-profit community service organizations and to the general public. The purpose of the fair is to help local community service organizations recruit volunteers to further their important service work.
We agreed to participate. JoAnn will reserve a table. Those who will be asked to prepare volunteer activity descriptions:
Summer Sounds - JoAnn
Sunday Afternoons at the Library - Jim Dunne & Diane Toulson
BHCA Gallery at the Gamble Mill - committee (Jim Dunne, Susan Nicholas Gephart, Holly Fritchman, Mary Vollero, Barbara Pennypacker, Lori Fisher, Nancy Palfey)
Bellefonte Victorian Christmas Arts & Crafts Show - committee (True Fisher, Dave Eggler, Denise Sigda, Jim Dunne, Romayne Naylor, Sally Houser)
Edible Landscape Committee - committee (Carolyn DuBois, Wilda Stanfield, Ann Donovan, Andrea & Chris Murrell, True Fisher, Talley Fisher, Barbara Soroka)
We had a brief discussion of programs that could be revived : Old House Fair, Film Forum. We will have promotional material for all the above activities.
Election of Officers: Keith Koch was elected president. Romayne Naylor, Vice-President, Jim Dunne, secretary, Dave Eggler, treasurer, were reelected. We gave special thanks to Colina for her efforts as the Nominating Committee
Upcoming events:
Sunday Afternoons at the Library Concert
Sunday, February 24, 2:30 PM
Allegria Ensemble
Cathy Herrera, flute - Debbie Trudeau, violin
Jonathan Dexter, cello - Diane Toulson, piano and flute
Next Meeting: None set.
Respectfully submitted,
James Dunne, secretary
BHCA Financial Report
7/1/2009- 6/30/2010 |
7/1/2010- 6/30/2011 |
7/1/2011- 6/30/2012 |
7/1/2012- 1/24/13 |
2011-2012 FY Budget |
Interest & dividends |
12 |
465 |
443 |
231 |
400 |
Other administration |
1,416 |
1,154 |
1,154 |
2,000 |
2,000 |
General fundraising |
3,245 |
3,862 |
3,125 |
2,746 |
3,500 |
Gallery at Gamble Mill |
1,600 |
1,405 |
80 |
135 |
1,000 |
Library Concerts |
9 |
1,546 |
1,205 |
14 |
1,050 |
Big Bands |
2,425 |
7,101 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Summer Sounds |
3,378 |
1,714 |
2,993 |
2,153 |
2,000 |
Victorian Christmas |
4,550 |
6,100 |
8,555 |
7,750 |
8,000 |
Talleyrand Park Comm |
0 |
0 |
0 |
2,125 |
0 |
Other projects |
_390_ |
__860__ |
__200__ |
_0_ |
__50__ |
17,025 |
24,207 |
17,755 |
17,153 |
18,000 |
Administration |
5,614 |
4,039 |
1,337 |
548 |
1,000 |
General fundraising |
281 |
647 |
137 |
251 |
250 |
Gallery at Gamble Mill |
1,281 |
1,577 |
675 |
388 |
1,500 |
Library Concerts |
0 |
2,211 |
3,108 |
1,415 |
3,000 |
Big Bands |
4,900 |
6,629 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Summer Sounds |
2,668 |
2,659 |
2,670 |
1,500 |
2,700 |
Victorian Christmas |
2,600 |
3,427 |
4,222 |
4,627 |
4,000 |
Talleyrand Park Comm |
434 |
27 |
2,845 |
13 |
0 |
Other projects |
_77_ |
_86_ |
_0_ |
_0_ |
__50__ |
17,854 |
21,302 |
14,994 |
8,742 |
12,500 |
ASSETS 1/24/2013
Checking 9,166 General BHCA 30,197
Savings 0 Gannon Fund 1,731
MM Fund 8,102 Talleyrand Park 3,701
Post Office Fund 304 Perform Arts Fund 2,062
Vanguard Bond Fund 20,120 TOTAL 37,691
TOTAL 37,691
(1) Vic Cmas Arts & Crafts Fair: income $7,750, expenses $1,504, net $6,246
split with Victorian Christmas
Inc. (each $3,123). [1,504 + 3,123 = 4,627 total expenses listed above]
(2) I wrote our new PRAA grant application for the next two years, and the PACDP financial report. Those took
many hours. I also did financial reports for the Talleyrand Park Committee grant application.
Submitted: David H. Eggler, Treasurer