Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings


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Friday, March 8, 2013

Location: Home of Gay & Jim Dunne, 222 N. Allegheny St., Bellefonte

Attendance: Keith Koch (president), Romayne Naylor (vice-president), Jim Dunne (Secretary), Dave Eggler (treasurer), JoAnn Knupp, True Fisher, Gay Dunne, Sally Houser, Melady Kehm, Joann Tosti-Vasey, Jackie & John Raiser

Minutes (1/25/13, available on line: Minutes approved.

Treasurer’s Report ( Our bank accounts remain steady. The fund raiser appeal brought in $3031.

Summer Sounds (JoAnn Knupp): Although the first meeting of the committee is scheduled for 3/14, half of the Sunday dates are already booked. The committee hasn’t made any decision about continuing the Wednesday night concerts.

Bellefonte Victorian Christmas (Sally Houser): This year’s celebration may include the combined handbell choirs of Trinity Lutheran and Faith United Methodist churches. Fund raisers: fashion show, high tea. The profits from the 2012 show were increased over previous years because of the increased number of vendors at the Middle School.

Sunday Afternoons at the Library (SAL): Free Sunday Concerts at 2:30 PM
                         Sunday, March 24 - Andy Tolins Blue Grass Quartet
                         Sunday, April 21 - Nittany Wind Quintet

Gallery at the Gamble Mill: Art of the Bellefonte Schools, April 20 - June 1; reception 7-9PM April 30New Committee members: Nancy Palfey, Lori Fisher.

Edible Landscape Garden: Planning is under way for this year’s garden. Jim reported on pests: slugs, insects, geese, human. The permanent sign will be installed this spring. The first work session will be in April.

Talleyrand Park Committee (True Fisher): A new section of the stone wall was installed recently, funded mainly by a “Growing Greener” grant. A new Walking Tour of Bellefonte map is ready for the printer.

Garman Opera House: Gay reported that Bellefonte Borough has applied for conservator status under the Conservator Act 135 covering abandoned and blighted buildings. The Borough has appointed the Industrial Development Authority as conservator. At the end of 6 months the title will be clear and the building can be sold if the court approves the final plan. A developer (Kervandjian) has purchased the DoDe and the Cadillac Building. On Sunday, 3/17, concerned citizens will meet to discuss saving the Garman and preserving the streetscape. There is concern about work force housing, and the possibility of 10 years of reduced taxes for a developer. HBI has a covenant on the Garman which may be a factor affecting development.

Old House Fair: Romayne & Melady discussed the history of this community event, last presented March 28, 1998. There was general consensus that the time is right for another event. Melady will chair a committee to plan an event in 2014. John Raiser will serve on the committee. Sally reported the HBI has budgeted $2500 from the CPCVB grant for BHCA for out of county advertising for the next fiscal year

Next Meeting: Friday, April 12, 7 PM, at the home of True Fisher, 228 N. Allegheny St, Bellefonte. Keith recommended that we all invite someone to the meeting and True suggested bringing a special snack.

Respectfully submitted,

James Dunne, secretary