Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings


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Wednesday, September 4, 2013, 8 p.m.


Location: Home of Patrick & Billie Jo North


Present: Keith Koch (president), Jim Dunne (Secretary), Gay Dunne, Melady Kehm, Joanne Tosti-Vasey, Joseph Griffen, Mary Vollero, Jeanne Newlin, Patrick North, Billie Jo North

BHCA President Keith Koch called the special meeting to bring BHCA into compliance with its by-laws concerning BHCA Board of Directors.  Current Board Member are the officers of BHCA elected at the January, 2013 annual meeting: Keith Koch (President), Romayne Naylor (Vice-President), Jim Dunne (Secretary), Dave Eggler (Treasurer).


Dues: Jim Dunne reported the following have paid the annual dues for the fiscal year 2013-4 (July 1- June 30): True Fisher, Sally Houser, Cecil Houser, Joanne Tosti-Vasey, Joe Vasey, Jeanne Newlin, Keith Koch, Patrick North, Billie Jo North, Melady Kehm, Gay Dunne, Jim Dunne, Jonathan Eburne, Nancy Noll.  $74 has been collected.


Nominating Committee - Keith appointed a nominating committee of Gay Dunne, Mary Vollaro, Joe Vasey, Colina Seeley, Billie Jo North.                                                                                                                              


Board of Directors: Current Board Members are the officers of BHCA elected at the January annual meeting: Keith Koch, Romayne Naylor, Jim Dunne, Dave Eggler.  The nominating committee presented a slate of five to fill the five vacant seats on the Board of Directors: Jonathan Eburne, Jeanne Newlin, Patrick North, Nancy Noll, Joseph Griffen.  The slate was elected by unanimous voice vote.


Meeting adjourned at 8:35 PM


Next Meeting: None set



Respectfully submitted,  



James Dunne, secretary