Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings
BHCA Meeting
January 10, 2014, 7 PM
Home of True Fisher, Bellefonte
Present: Romayne Naylor, Vice President, Jim Dunne, Secretary, Dave Eggler, Treasurer, Jeanne Newlin, Gay Dunne, Joseph Griffin, Colina Seeley, Joanne Tosti-Vasey, Mary Vollero, Art Curtze, Dave Kurtz, Patrick North, Julia Kasdorf, Philip Ruth, Melady Kehm, Nancy Miller, Gary & Susan Hoover. A quorum was in attendance as defined by the BHCA bylaws.
Minutes - Minutes of 11/22/13 were approved (Dave K, Gay).
Treasurers Report (Dave Eggler, see below) - Profit from Bellefonte Victorian Christmas Arts & Crafts Fair was $3200... There is $4326 in the Garman fund. We need to know final costs of the PA Supreme Court Appeal before we can close out the fund and the pledges. Approved (Gay, Nancy)
Committee Reports:
Summer Sounds (Nancy Miller):
meeting of committee will be in
Sunday Afternoons at the Library (Jim): Sundays, 2:30 PM at CC Library & Historical Museum. Next Concert: February 23 REvamped Duo - Mark and Sally Minnick., violins
Gallery at the Gamble Mill: Senior Students of Centre County Schools - January 12 - April 12, Reception Tuesday, January 21, 7-9 PM
Bellefonte Victorian Christmas (Jim) - It was a success in spite of the weather. Vendors generally felt they did better than expected with the weather. Some vendors suggested combining the Elementary and Middle School venues into a single venue. The committee will discuss it.
Bylaws - No report.
Old House Fair - Melady discussed. Click here for the written report.
New Business:
Historic Preservation Committee:
Committee met on 1/7/14 (click
here for the minutes).
Joanne TV, Sally, Gay,Romayne, Dave K. attended.
1. Become familiar with the
historic buildings. Try to get Sue Hannegan’s report at the Borough online.
2. One or more BHCA members to attend each Borough public meeting. See attached
sign up sheet.
3. Public education on preservation.
4. Explore the formation of a Bellefonte Historic Preservation Foundation
5. Encourage local bank branches to show more responsiveness and responsibility
for local activities (Colina)
Poetry - Colina and Julia are looking at sites for poetry reading including the Centre County Library and Historical Museum and the Bellefonte Art Museum for Centre County.
Dave Kurtz would like BHCA help in observing in 2015 the 50th anniversary of the kayak slalom in Spring Creek. One suggestion was to commission a painting of the slalom. Further discussion next meeting.
We accepted the resignation of Karen Arnold form BHCA. The secretary will send her a letter of appreciation.
Next Meeting - Friday, 7 PM, February 21 at the home of Julia & Philip, 232 N. Wilson St., Bellefonte
Jim Dunne, Secretary
BHCA Financial Report
7/1/2010- 6/30/2011 |
7/1/2011- 6/30/2012 |
7/1/2012- 6/30/2013 |
7/1/2013- 1/10/14 |
2013-2014 FY Budget |
Interest & dividends |
465 |
443 |
489 |
126 |
400 |
Dues |
0 |
0 |
0 |
124 |
150 |
Other administration |
1,154 |
1,154 |
2,000 |
2,003 |
2,000 |
General fundraising |
3,862 |
3,125 |
3,281 |
260 |
3,500 |
Gallery at Gamble Mill |
1,405 |
80 |
158 |
0 |
1,000 |
Library Concerts |
1,546 |
1,205 |
279 |
0 |
1,050 |
Garman Project |
0 |
0 |
720 |
38,238 |
0 |
Big Bands |
7,101 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Summer Sounds |
1,714 |
2,993 |
2,491 |
1,159 |
2,000 |
Victorian Christmas |
6,100 |
8,555 |
9,125 |
7,500 |
8,000 |
Talleyrand Park Comm |
0 |
0 |
2,625 |
12,000 |
0 |
Other projects |
__860__ |
__200__ |
_0_ |
_0_ |
__50__ |
24,207 |
17,755 |
21,168 |
61,410 |
18,150 |
Administration |
4,039 |
1,337 |
1,147 |
334 |
1,000 |
General fundraising |
647 |
137 |
251 |
0 |
250 |
Gallery at Gamble Mill |
1,577 |
675 |
775 |
198 |
1,500 |
Library Concerts |
2,211 |
3,108 |
3,045 |
1,098 |
3,000 |
Garman Project |
0 |
0 |
3,575 |
30,957 |
0 |
Big Bands |
6,629 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Summer Sounds |
2,659 |
2,670 |
2,943 |
1,500 |
2,700 |
Victorian Christmas |
3,427 |
4,222 |
4,686 |
5,461 |
4,000 |
Talleyrand Park Comm |
27 |
2,845 |
13 |
626 |
0 |
Other projects |
_86_ |
_0_ |
_0_ |
_1,000_ |
__50__ |
21,302 |
14,994 |
16,435 |
41,174 |
12,500 |
ASSETS 1/10/2014
Checking 25,254 General BHCA 30,722
PO returned mail fund 50 Gannon Fund 1,731
MM Fund 8,103 Talleyrand Park 15,575
Post Office Fund 339 Perform Arts Fund 1,062
Vanguard Bond Fund 19,770 Garman Project 4,426
TOTAL 53,516 TOTAL 53,516
Notes: $8,875 was taken in for rentals for Vic Christmas Arts & Crafts Fair. After expenses, BHCA and BVC
each received $3,224.50.
Submitted: David H. Eggler, Treasurer