Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings
April 16, 2015, 7 PM
Dunne Home
Present: Romayne Naylor, President, Dave Eggler, Treasurer, Jim Dunne, Secretary, Joanne Tosti-Vasey, Melady Kehm, Nancy Perkins, Gay Dunne, Jeanne Newlin, Julia Kasdorf, Joseph Griffin, Keith Koch, Colina Seeley. A quorum was in attendance as defined by the BHCA bylaws.
Minutes – Minutes of 3/27, 2015 were approved (Joanne, Keith)
Treasurer’s Report (Dave Eggler) – No report
Committee Reports
Curtin Village – Call Gary Hoover to participate 355-2917. There are railroad tracks to Curtin Village. The Historic Railroad has run excursions there in past. Romayne reported that the original Board is still there and there is a Curtin Foundation
Summer Sounds (Nancy Miller and JoAnn Knupp) – No Report
Sunday Afternoons at the Library – Sundays, 2:30 PM Next Concert:
Allegria Ensemble – May 17
Gallery at the Gamble Mill – Continues closed
Victorian Christmas (Romayne) – No report
Poetry (Julia) – Next event is April 17, “Poem in Your Pocket. Read your favorite poem. May 8 hosted by Colina- James Brassfield
Old House Fair (Joseph)- At the last meeting the committee discussed the merits of a fancy 2 day affair with a dinner vs. a modest 1 day affair. Mary Sorensen (Executive Director, Centre County Historical Society) and Nancy Perkins are working with Erin Hammerstadt for funding including BHCA, sponsors and vendors. Date: April, but not Blue & White game day. Friday: PMHC program. Saturday - ~ 10 speakers. Hope to make it and annual event. Romayne suggested a folder with vendor information, and consult with other organizations. APS as a site for its historic appeal. Posters could feature historic preservation stamps.
Historic Preservation (Jeanne) – The Freight House presentation to BAIDA was will received, as was its use as a kayak museum. BAIDA approved the concept and will get legal council involved. We will present again to Borough Council at their next meeting including a brief discussion of the history of kayaking by Dave Kurtz. The committee recommends naming the museum in honor of Dave Kurtz. Consider getting a feature article int the CDT.
At risk properties: the Schaeffer Hardware building is now off the list.
Edible Landscape Garden (Jim) We now have a Face Book page thanks to Wilda Stanfield
New Business - The Borough Council passed an ordinance requiring a $20 permit for use of the park. Multiple events can be covered with 1 permit. BHCA will submit an application for Summer Sounds.
Next BHCA Meeting: 7PM, Friday, May 29 at the Bellefonte Art Museum.
Motion to adjourn at 8:43 PM (Joanne, Keith)
Jim Dunne, Secretary