Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings


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May 29, 2015, 7 PM
Bellefonte Art Museum

Present: Romayne Naylor, President, Keith Koch, VP, Dave Eggler, Treasurer, Jim Dunne, Secretary, Joanne Tosti-Vasey, Melady Kehm, Nancy Perkins, Gay Dunne, Jeanne Newlin, Joseph Griffin, Julia Kasdorf, Philip Ruth, Colina Seeley. A quorum was in attendance as defined by the BHCA bylaws.

Minutes – Minutes of 4/16/15 were approved (Joseph, Melady)

Treasurer’s Report (Dave Eggler; click here for the report) – $1000 received from Garver Fund for Summer Sounds. Talleyrand Park: ~$12,000 in last year, $12,000 out this year. Report approved (Nancy , Julia)

Committee Reports

     Curtin Village – Gary will run a tour June 1 or 2 (Jeanne)

     Summer Sounds (Nancy Miller and JoAnn Knupp) – There was a feature article in the Gazette interviewing JoAnn. Series since 1981. Volunteer hosts for June 28 (Keith) and August 2(Joanne TV) .

     Sunday Afternoons at the Library – Send Diane a note of appreciation.

     Gallery at the Gamble Mill – Continues closed

     Victorian Christmas (Jim) – Applications will be mailed and emailed in June

     Poetry (Julia) – Poetry had an excellent year. Planning has begun for next year. Several poets of stature are under consideration. Patrick North has joined committee. Melady and Colina mentioned that acoustics are a problem.

     Old House Fair (Joseph)- Dates secured: April 29 & 30, 2016. Hope to fund with sponsors and a possible entrance fee. Yet to be decided: list of speakers, vendors, contributors and topics. Mary Sorensen reported on marketing ideas.

     Historic Preservation (Jeanne) – Buildings at risk: Dart house has been sold. Dave K. had a tour with the new owners. It will be converted back to a single family dwelling. Thw “Castle” on N. Thomas St. has been vacant for years. Freight house: Randy Miller of Everett will be able to do the move. Waterfront redevelopment: We will ask Nancy Perkins to be our representative to help the Borough chose colors for the flood wall.

     Talleyrand Park (True) - The fountain relic will be installed near the watering trough. The trough has walking stones around it, installed by Talley Fisher and Jim.

New Business - The Borough Council passed an ordinance requiring a $20 permit for use of the park. Multiple events can be covered with one permit. BHCA will submit an application for Summer Sounds.

Next BHCA Meeting: 7PM, Friday, September 18, at the Bellefonte Art Museum.

Motion to adjourn at 9:03 PM (Joanne, Keith)

Jim Dunne, Secretary