Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings
January 12, 2018, 7 PM
Bellefonte Art Museum
Present: Romayne Naylor, President, Joseph Griffin, Vice-President, Jim Dunne, Secretary; Dave Eggler, Treasurer, Melady Kehm, True Fisher, Joanne Tosti-Vasey, Nancy Perkins, Jeanne Newlin, Karen Arnold, Gay Dunne, Phil Ruth, Julia Kasdorf, JoAnn Knupp, Dave Kurtz, Sally Houser, Katy Colby (Introduced by Joseph). A quorum was in attendance as defined by the BHCA bylaws.
Minutes – Minutes of 2017-11-10 were approved as amended (Joseph, Gay).
Treasurer’s Report (Dave
Eggler) –
Click here to view the report.
Our income in the current fiscal year may require the BCO‑10 form, which always
has to be filed for non-profit listing, to be accompanied by a Financial Review,
hopefully at a lower cost than two years ago. The Bellefonte Elks Garver Fund
donations to Summer Sounds are up to date at $1000 per year.
Committee Reports
Summer Sounds (JoAnn Knupp) – The planning meeting for 2018 is January 25. Six bands have request a spot in the 10 week series. A steel drum band is a possibility. They would like to have a service band, but one can be scheduled only 2 weeks in advance
Sunday Afternoons at the Library - Sundays, 2:30 PM, Centre County Library Historical Museum
January 14 - Ken Baxter & Molly Countermine
February 4 ‑ Carolyn Triozzi & Sarah Rajtmajer, flutes, Steven Baird, piano
March 4 ‑ Jennifer Trost, soprano, Svetlana Rodionova, piano
Poetry (Julia, Patrick) - Friday, January 19, 2018 at 7:30 p.m.
Poetry reading by Shara McCallum. Originally from Jamaica, Shara McCallum is the author of five books of poetry, published in the US and UK, and the newest member of Penn State's creative writing faculty.
Old House Fair (Joseph) - June 8,9, 2018. The committee is still procuring speakers, The CIRD (Centre for Integrated Rural Development) is a good resource. There are several possibilities for the keynote speaker. The CC Historical Society lost significant money on last year’s fair. Joseph would like to even the loss between CCHS and BHCA. He will have specific figures at next meeting. Katy Colby will coordinate the catering.
Historic Preservation (Jeanne) - Jeanne has been contacted by a woman in California whose family once owned the McCafferty House at 430 N. Allegheny St. Her ancestor was Wilbur Fisk Reeder (see attachment). She has some nice memorabilia including a civil war uniform..
Talleyrand Park (True) – the committee is planning a fund raiser to supplement the grant for the pergola and mudsill on the west bank of Spring Creek: bricks with the donors name for the brick walk extension from the train station to the railroad bridge..
New Business – (Sally) An open Belle Key board meeting is scheduled the Jan. 16 at 9 AM to discuss the mission statement and vision statement. A new coordinator is needed for the summer Arts & Crafts Fair. BHCA as a group declined to assume responsibility for the event.
Next BHCA Meeting - 7 PM Friday, February 16 at the Bellefonte Art Museum (confirmed).
Jim Dunne, Secretary