Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings


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March 15, 2018, 7 PM

Bellefonte Art Museum

Romayne Naylor, President, Joseph Griffin, Vice-President, Jim Dunne, Secretary; Dave Eggler, Treasurer, Melady Kehm, True Fisher, Joanne Tosti-Vasey, Nancy Perkins, Jeanne Newlin, Gay Dunne, Philip
Ruth, JoAnn Knupp. Mack Mahan, Kathy Wilson, Karen Arnold. A quorum was in attendance as defined by the BHCA bylaws.

Minutes – Minutes of 2018-02-16 were approved as amended.

Treasurer’s Report (Dave Eggler) – No report.

Committee Reports
Summer Sounds (JoAnn Knupp) – Schedule will be ready in one week.

Sunday Afternoons at the Library - Sundays, 2:30 PM, Centre County Library Historical Museum
            February 4 - Jennifer Trost, soprano, Svetlana Rodionova, piano - a beautiful concert .
            April 15 - Callanish - Irish & Scottish music in the traditional style

Poetry (Julia, Patrick, Philip) -
            Friday, April 20, 2018 at 7:30 p.m.    Poetry Open Mic
            Friday, May 18 Being Heard with Abby Minor, A celebration of poems written by Centre Crest residents

Old House Fair (Joseph) - June 8,9, 2018. Saturday schedule is pretty well set. Friday - Zachary Mannheimer, pending pending as featured speaker. Topic: Creative Place Making - Arts for Economic Development. BHCA will donate funds for the program (Motion: Joseph, Melady, approved by voice vote). HARB members from several communities will be invited to attend. There will be continuing education from several professional organizations. The dinner charge will be the actual cost of the meal.

Historic Preservation (Jeanne) - The Freight House project has been approved the Centre County Code Authority. Curtin Village - membership applications are available. Antique furniture to be donated including a sofa owned by Andrew Gregg Curtin.

Talleyrand Park (True) – April 29 will be the OLLI program.

New Business
– 1 .JoAnn requested BHCA to provide 501(c)3 fiduciary for the tablets (Approved, Joanne TV, another). 2. Trail to Milesburg: The Borough has been asked to modify the trail from the Gamble Mill, possibly with a bridge across Spring Creek. 3. Romayne will staff the BHCA booth at the Volunteer Fair.

Next BHCA Meeting - 7 PM Thursday, April 27 at the Bellefonte Art Museum (confirmed)

                                        Jim Dunne, Secretary