Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings


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June 1, 2018

Bellefonte Art Museum

Romayne Naylor, President, Joseph Griffin, Vice-President, Jim Dunne, Secretary; Dave Eggler, Treasurer, Melady Kehm, True Fisher, Joanne Tosti-Vasey, Jeanne Newlin, Gay Dunne, Mack Mahan, Karen
Arnold, Julia Kaasdorf. A quorum was in attendance as defined by the BHCA bylaws.

Minutes –
Minutes of 2018-04-27 were approved. (Joseph, Gay)

Treasurer’s Report
(Dave Eggler) – No report, but a special report on Old House Fair will be emailed to Joseph.

Old Business -
(Nancy Perkins) Some of the newly installed signs could be dangerous to the visually impaired. If BHCA were a sponsor of the signs, it could be liable for injuries.  Since the signs were proposed and implemented independent of BHCA, a motion to repeal the use of the BHCA 501(c)(3) for the signs was approved (Jeanne, Melady).


Committee Reports  

     Summer Sounds (JoAnn Knupp) – No report

     Sunday Afternoons at the Library - No Report

     Poetry (Julia) - Poetry now has a 501(c)3 through Abby Minor. BHCA will continue with its support.


    Old House Fair (Joseph & Katy Colby ) - June 8,9, 2018. Well promoted. There was some discussion about possible dates for the OHF in the future, There will be a street banner.


    Historic Preservation (Jeanne) - Nancy working on he house as well as the Freight House interior. Emily Olsen has a collection of posters, framed drawings of Bellefonte houses and many curios. Curtin Village will have 4-5 programs over the summer.  The sales contract for the Gamble Mill expired. The footers for the Freight House ramp & stairs have been installed. The railroad pedestrian bridge project has been put on hold because of increased cost triggered by the tariffs on steel & aluminum


     Talleyrand Park (True) – The pergola repair bid was rejected. Repairs will be made stabilize the structure and the roof trellis will be replaced. Mud sill will be in July. PennDot has been made aware of deteriorating wall across from the pedestrian bridge.


     New Business – Dave Kurtz would like regular little slaloms with 5-6 gates which would be permanent. Karen Arnold announce 2 concerts at the Trinity United Methodist Church:

David and Hyun Ju Curtin: Noon - Sunday, June 3 at 9:30 AM - 1 PM

Noah Breneman with Joanne Yang - oboe & piano -Sunday, July 1 at 3 PM - 4 PM


Dave Eggler moved for BHCA to donate $1000 to the historic signs project (Dave E, Joseph). Joanne TV discussed that the Borough and Belle Key were working on a new sign ordinance and moved to table the motion. This was approved.


Next BHCA Meeting - 7 PM Friday, October 5, at the Bellefonte Art Museum.

Jim Dunne, Secretary