Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings


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January 18, 2019

Train Station

Romayne Naylor, President, Joseph Griffen, VP, Jim Dunne Secretary, Dave Eggler, Treasurer, Joanne Tosti-Vasey, Gay Dunne, Melady Kehm, Nancy Perkins, Jeanne Newlin, Karen Arnold, True Fisher, Julia Kasdorf, Phil Ruth, Dave Kurtz, Sally Houser

Minutes – Minutes of 2018-11-09 were approved (Gay, True).

Treasurer’s Report
(Dave Eggler) – Click here to read the Treasurer's Report. Noted. PCA Arts interim report has been submitted.

Committee Reports
Summer Sounds
(JoAnn Knupp) - We’re still on for Beatlemania for June 16 at 7. Sally Houser is going to request money through HBI and I am going to call the seven banks I wrote letters to. I also need to contact Kiwanis, Lions Club, Rotary and Woman’s Club.

Bellefonte Sunday Afternoon Chamber Music Series -
Sundays, 2:30 PM, Trinity UMC
Next concert February 17 - Arthur Goldstein Jazz Quartet
The Easterly Chamber Players presented an excellent concert January 13 which was well attended. Karen suggested a reception after concerts. Nancy Perkins moved to donate $50 to Trinity for each concert; Melady seconded. Approved. Trinity Church is a very fine performing space.

Poetry (Julia, Patrick) -

Friday, February 22, 7:30 p.m.: Richard Kopley - Distinguished Edgar Allen Poe scholar and author.
Lecture at BAM: Science and Fiction from Fracking - Sunday, January 27th at 3:00 p.m. Presentations of current work by Chris Grant, a biologist at Juniata College who has been conducting research on the impacts of fracking on various forms of life in Pennsylvania's streams, and Kimi Cunningham Grant, author of a literary mystery that takes place in a small Pennsylvania community involved in fracking.

Old House Fair (Joseph) - Nothing new to report. A window repair workshop is in the planning stages for the warmer weather at the Centre Furnace Mansion. Joseph suggests sharing OHF profits with the Centre
County Historical Society. The treasurer will provide the data to Joseph.

Historic Preservation
(Jeanne) - Jeanne reports the Foundation is recruiting board members. Joanne discussed with Bellefonte Borough administration about the Foundation and the new CLG guidlines being reviewed by HARB. PHMC will meet with the Roland Curtin Foundation Board on March 4 to discuss a future management agreement. Sue Hannegan is now president of the Roland Curtin Foundation Board.

Freight House update - Nancy discussed the progress on the interior including the floor stain colors. Click here for a PDF with her report. Doors will be painted a warm gray.

Talleyrand Park (True) – The new Walking Tour Map is nearing completion. HBI has been a big help with funding.

Bellefonte Victorian Christmas - Sally reported the bus tours, dinner and opening ceremony were very successful. They are considering publishing the scripts of the bus tour. The Arts & Crafts Show was very successful as well. The good weather was very helpful for this year’s events,

Old Business -
Review Secretary and Arts Administrator Job Responsibilities. Jim distributed a list of responsibilities of the secretary and the arts administrator. He suggested separating the secretary position into a reporting secretary and corresponding secretary, and he would appreciate a recording secretary for the minutes. Discussion included a current BHCA member for that position or hiring someone to do it. Bellefonte Borough records its meetings to be transcribed later.

New Business –
Discuss the future of BHCA: March 2 is the Volunteer Fair to be discussed next meeting. Member recruitment and outreach was discussed. Phil proposed a large folding triptych for display at BHCA and other events. The opening of the Freight House should be a well- publicized event. Open House at the Freight House. Have a party for prospective members. Present promotional materials to new members of the community. New property owners names and addresses could be obtained from courthouse records. Hire an
arts administrator.

Next BHCA Meeting - February 15 at the Train Station.

Jim Dunne, Secretary