Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings


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October 11, 2019
The Lofts Conference Room

Present: - Romayne Naylor, President, Joseph Griffin, Vice-President, Jim Dunne, Secretary, Dave Kurtz, Sally Houser, Nancy Perkins, Karen Arnold, Melady Kehm, Joanne Tosti-Vasey, Ziggy Coyle, David Bauchspies

Minutes 2019-09-13 - Approved, Joanne, Sally

Treasurer’s Report (Dave Eggler) – No report

Committee Reports

Summer Sounds - Report attached below.

Bellefonte Sunday Afternoon Chamber Music Series at at Trinity UMC, 2:30 PM -
                Curtin Piano Duo - November 10

Poetry (Julia, Patrick) - 7:30 p.m. Bellefonte Art Museum
            Friday, October 18, Monster Tales
            Friday, November 16 - Bellefonte Moth: Attitude of Gratitude

Old House Fair (Joseph) - On the Road: Phil Ruth - The 1868 House and the Window Workshop video tapes will eventually be on the CC Historical Society website and hopefully on the BHCA Website. Rhoneymeade presentation - 20 people attended. 2020 programs will be planned in the near future.

Historic Preservation (Nancy Perkins) - The Freight Station cabinet is progressing; TV is installed. Lighting concept is still being evolved. Electrical supply will be installed shortly. Dave K. Had windows restored and installed. The two windows on the ramp will not be opened because of the potential vandalism. Dave K. discussed the evolution of the kayak and canoes which will be in the display, and races held in Bellefonte and nationally. The Knupps have display items in storage. We will want to highlight the contractors initials and dates. Videos need to be prepared.

Talleyrand Park (True) - Landscape architecture class had a class project on the park. We should have a report from them. The population of Monarchs was much reduced from last year, possibly due in part by the Then there was a discussion of rabbits and rodents. The Borough doesn’t use pesticides in the park.

Bellefonte Victorian Christmas (Sally) - The correct dates are December 13 and 14. Marketing is increased Arts & Crafts Show - Applications coming in. We need to have a table in the YMCA possibly in the information booth, for CATA who is a big sponsor this year. CATA is planning an Uber type van service in Bellefonte, funded by the Ford Foundation.

Old Business
- Tabled motion to fund signs: motion to take off the table passed. After an extended discussion, the motion was tabled again until Phase 5 of the Borough way finding grant project is completed. Major concerns: safety, sharp corners, liability, lack of barriers to protect visually impaired such as a gravel/river stone surround, the sign ordinance and guidelines are not completed.

New Business - None
Adjourned - Joanne, Joseph.  Next BHCA Meeting - October 11, 7 PM at The Lofts Conference Room. We are not meeting at the Train Station because the visit to Freight Station has been postponed.

Jim Dunne, Secretary Summer Sounds Report below

Summer Sounds Report 10-11-2019
Summer Sounds in the Park was very successful this year. We had an average of 150 people each Sunday night. In June we partnered with Big Springs Spirits and the wine club tasting and brought Beatlemania. Someone did count and say we had a 1,000 people. It is an idea to have something similar next summer--maybe John Mills and the Lindy Sisters as they are both from California and have sung together before--just an idea. I did talk with John and he would love to come again. His partner from the Platters, ????, forgotten his name but he dropped over from a heart attack on stage in May and died. Dave was laid up all summer with a broke achiles tendon, I believe, and I went out to his house every Sunday night and got the check for the bands and gathered up the money and deposited it Monday morning. People were very generous. My committee was Bonnie Leathers, Tom Wilson, Sandy Johnston, Denise Snook and Mary Prendergast. While I think they are going to stick with us another year, we really do need some new members of the committee. If you know of anyone, let me know and I'll contact them. You might note that the Moose was the first to offer us a $1,000 towards bringing Beetlemania here. They want to help and be recognized.
JoAnn L. Knupp, Chairperson