Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings


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November 15, 2019
The Lofts Conference Room

Present: - Romayne Naylor, President, Joseph Griffin, Vice-President, Jim Dunne, Secretary, Dave Eggler, Treasurer, Julia Kasdorf, Phil Dave Kurtz, Melady Kehm, Ann Cudrow

Minutes 2019-09-13 - Approved

Treasurer’s Report (Dave Eggler) – Click here to read the report. Additional $3000 from Pa Council of the Arts. Report filed

Committee Reports
 Summer Sounds - No report.

Bellefonte Sunday Afternoon Chamber Music Series at at Trinity UMC, 2:30 PM -
January 12 - Rick Hirsch and West Coast Cool
Report: Curtin Piano Duo - November 10 - Exceptional concert. Additional cost - Piano tuning by Sides.

Poetry (Julia, Patrick) - 7:30 p.m. Bellefonte Art Museum January 17, 2019, Friday, 7:30 p.m. Cate Fricke and Charlotte Holmes share their own works of short fiction
Julia is trying to arrange a visiting lecture about “creative place-making in rural places” by Samuel Dodd and Angela Sprunger and would like BHCA to host. Discussion favored a Saturday since Sundays have become a favored day for activities in the region. More to follow.
Report: Friday, November 8 - Mennonite poets read from their new books: very good but small turnout.

Old House Fair (Joseph) - No report.

Historic Preservation (Nancy Perkins) - Nancy reports says that Jeanne met with the woman who used to live in the Wilber Fiske Reeder House Allegheny & Curtin. The Freight House was visited after the meeting. Ted Conklin is nearly finished with the cabinet. His work and supplies were donated. Strip lighting - brief discussion. Baseboard on outside should be replaced soon. Nancy has red paint to match exterior color.

Talleyrand Park (True) - No report

Bellefonte Victorian Christmas (Jim & Romayne) - Arts & Crafts Show - 50 vendors signed up to date. Centre County inmates will help with decorations in the downtown. History on wheels will occur again this year.

Old Business - Tabled motion to fund signs was left on the table.

New Business - BHCA archives are in Dave Eggler’s basement. Discussion was started on long term disposition. We should discuss with Jeanne Newlin. Ann suggested we bring the boxes to a meeting and the group could sort and dispose.

Adjourned - Joanne, Joseph

Next BHCA Meeting - January 24, 7 PM at The Lofts Conference Room.

Jim Dunne, Secretary