Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings
February 15, 2019
Train Station
Present: Romayne Naylor, President Joseph Griffin, Vice-President, Jim
Dunne, Secretary; Melady Kehm, Jeanne Newlin, Joanne Tosti-VaseyGay Dunne, Karen
Arnold, Nancy Perkins, Dave Kurtz, Julia Kasdorf, Phil
Ruth. Amy Kelchner and Hannah Black were introduced. A quorum was in attendance
as defined by the BHCA bylaws
Minutes – Minutes of 2019-01-11 were
approved (Jeanne, Gay).
Treasurer’s Report (Dave Eggler) –
Report noted.
click here to read the report
Committee Reports
Summer Sounds (JoAnn Knupp) – Beatlemania is funded (Jeanne)
Sunday Afternoon Music Series Trinity
United Methodist Church, Sundays at 2:30 PM
A concert by the Goldstein Jazz
Quartet on February was well attended and well received.
Next Concert - Sunday, March 17 -
Callanish: A Celtic band based in central Pennsylvania plays Irish and Scottish
music in the traditional style.
Poetry (Julia) - Out Loud, Fridays,
7:30 PM at the Bellefonte Art Museum
We wish to continue to have Out Loud
downstairs in the Museum to maintain handicapped access. We may need to move
art, coordinating with Gallery manager. New poster is attached.
April 12, Friday, 7:30 p.m. Open Mic
Poetry Reading. Georgi Johnson invites writers to share original work and
bring a copy to display.
Old House Fair (Joseph) - Old House
Fair on the Road: 4 workshops planned. A modified logo is needed
Window Replacement - Ken Nuttle -
early June. Kenneth Nuttle Woodworking
Researching Your Historic House -
July - Philip Ruth
Tour of Rhoneymeade building -
HARB training - to be videotaped
(date not established)
Historic Preservation (Jeanne) - HARB
presentation on Feb. 26 for Freight House door color (gray) Nancy P. will
attend. Dave K. completed countersinking of 10,000 nails in the FH floor. The
group expressed gratitude to
Dave for all his efforts. A video of Dave in his kayak gear will be created by a
PSU student. The Garden Club will execute the landscaping.
Jeanne: Curtin village will be visited by PMHC on 3/25 to discuss possible
ownership transfer to the Curtin Foundation. Sue Hannegan is the Foundation
Talleyrand Park (Joanne) – Meeting 3/18
at 6 or 6:30 for a DCED (Dept of Community and Economic Development)
presentation on Main Street and Elm St.
Old Business - March 02, 2019 -10:00 am
to 2:00 pm at the American Philatelic Society. A motion to allow Phil to
purchase a new display board if a satisfactory board is not available was
approved. A motion to approve
the cost of printing information for the panels was approved (Julia, Nancy P.)
There was discussion about selling items at the fair. We will contact the
New Business - Jim discussed . Please review this site for possible BHCA participation.
Next BHCA Meeting - 7 PM Friday, March
22, at the conference room in Phil’s office building, The Lofts, at High & Water
Jim Dunne, Secretary