Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings


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March 22, 2019
The Lofts

Present: Romayne Naylor, President Joseph Griffin, Vice-President, Jim Dunne, Secretary; Melady Kehm, Dave Eggler, treasurer, Jeanne Newlin, Gay Dunne, Karen Arnold, Nancy Perkins, Dave Kurtz, Julia Kasdorf, Phil Ruth, Amy Kelchner, True Fisher, Nancy & Carl Miller. A quorum was in attendance as defined by the BHCA bylaws

Minutes – Minutes of 2019-02-15 were approved (Gay, Joseph).

Treasurer’s Report (Dave Eggler) – click here to read the report. Discretionary funds (profit) emphasized by Dave for guidance in financial decisions.

Committee Reports

Summer Sounds (JoAnn Knupp) – No report

Sunday Afternoon Music Series : Trinity United Methodist Church, Sundays at 2:30 PM Callanish concert well attended and well received Next Concert - Sunday, May 26 John Paul Tobin. Viola/Baroque, violin; Ashley English Tobin, viola

Poetry (Julia) - Out Loud, Fridays, 7:30 PM at the Bellefonte Art Museum Friday, May 17 - Lifting Up Under-Heard Voices Hosted by Abby Minor and Ridgelines Language Arts It will feature an emerging Philadelphia poet to assist in summer youth program.

Old House Fair (Joseph) - Old House Fair on the Road
            June 8 - Window Replacement - Ken Nuttle - (Kenneth Nuttle Woodworking) at CC Historical Society (A fund raiser for CCHS). Registration online.
             July 21 - Researching Your Historic House - Philip Ruth at APS
            August 22 or 29 at Rhonymeade -Tour of Rhoneymeade building.

Historic Preservation (Jeanne) - Freight House floor will be sanded and finished when weather is warmer (May). A poster will feature Dave K. on white background. Paint color for doors was approved by HARB. Curtin Village Foundation (Jeanne, 3-21 meeting) - Curtin Village is owned by State which is gradually transferring all properties to local owner ship based on a decision by the state under Governor Rendell @ 10 years (Amy). Options: transfer to Curtin Foundation by legislation; lease to another entity to sublease, e.g. PSU; surplus property and sell by Board of Directors. Decision to be made later in 2019. Cost of maintenance needs to be considered. Dave K. will organize a canoe trip to Curtin Village.

Talleyrand Park (True) – Fund raiser bricks for the park will begin in May. Walking tour map is almost ready. Talleyrand Park Committee meeting and walk through planned for late April or early May.

Old Business - proposal was discussed. A motion to approve was passed (Carl Miller, Nancy P). With further discussion the motion was tabled (Nancy M, Joseph) for the purpose of defining contractual responsibilities, reorganizing of articles, etc.

New Business -

Next BHCA Meeting - 7 PM Friday, April 26, at The Lofts at Spring Creek (Phil’s office building).

Jim Dunne, Secretary