Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings


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May 31, 2019
The Lofts Conference Room

Present: - Joseph Griffin, Vice-President, Jim Dunne, Secretary, Amy Kelchner, Dave Kurtz, Nancy Perkins, Joanne Tosti-Vasey, Karen Arnold, Melady Kehm, Sally Houser, Julia Kasdorf, Phil Ruth, Gay Dunne

Minutes 2019-04-26  approved- Julia, Melady

Treasurer’s Report (Dave Eggler) – No report

Committee Reports
Summer Sounds (Sally Houser) - Sally used publicity grant for Beatlermania advertising including 2 radio sations. 500 -1000 people expected. Sally thanked JoAnn Knupp for all her hard work.

Bellefonte Sunday Afternoon Chamber Music Series - 38 season completed. It was recommended to th pay $250 to Trinity for the season.

Poetry (Julia, Patrick) - 7:30 p.m. Bellefonte Art Museum May 17, Friday - Lifting Up Under-Heard Voices Well attended. Lifting up Unheard Voices will be a continuing effort. Planners are meeting in August to plan next year’s sessions, usually one monthly

Old House Fair (Joseph) - WINDOW RESTORATION WORKSHOP was cancelled because of an injury to the presenter. It may be rescheduled in September.
            Phil Ruth - The 1868 house - July 21 at 2PM at APS.
            Sept. 22 - rescheduled Rhonymeade house presentation

Historic Preservation (Nancy, Jim) - The floor of Freight House has been finished by Remodelers Workshop. It is a natural finish rather than stained. Dave K countersunk all the nails to allow the floor to be sanded. The brick walk has been extended to the ramp and stair entrances. Jeanne and Nancy are working on text. Ted will be building the display cabinet.

Talleyrand Park (True) - A walk through 3 weeks ago targeted trees and bushes that need to be removed. The wooden picnic tables were removed because they were unsafe. Pollinator Garden was overgrown requiring a lot of thinning. The Mexican sunflowers failed to sprout. There is a discussion about a possible band shell behind the Subway.

Bellefonte Victorian Christmas - Arts & Crafts Show - Applications will be mailed in August and will be given to the vendors in the August Arts & Crafts Fair to be held downtown this year. Organizing meeting is planned for June.

Old Business - HBI-Knupp Heritage Center. Display cases were purchased that were in the Boscaino Variety Store. Soft opening possibly in August. Grand opening in the fall. Staff will be volunteers.

New Business - is requesting topics of interest to BHCA. An email will be sent to the group requesting suggestions. Several were suggested at the meeting and will be forwarded.

Next BHCA Meeting - September 13, 7 PM at The Lofts Conference Room

Jim Dunne, Secretary