Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings


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September 13, 2019
The Lofts Conference Room

Present: - Romayne Naylor, President, Joseph Griffin, Vice-President, Jim Dunne, Secretary, Dave Eggler, Treasurer, Phil Ruth, Dave Kurtz, Gay Dunne, Nancy Perkins, Jeanne Newlin, Karen Arnold, Melady Kehm.

Minutes 2019-05-31 - Approved, Dave K., Gay

Treasurer’s Report (Dave Eggler) – Discussed. Click here to read the report.

Committee Reports
Summer Sounds - No Report

Bellefonte Sunday Afternoon Chamber Music Series at at Trinity UMC, 2:30 PM -
     Strath Hanna - September 15 Curtin Piamo Duo - November 10

Poetry (Julia, Patrick) - 7:30 p.m. Bellefonte Art Museum
     Friday, September 20 - Jack Troy and Mary Shay McGuire
     Friday, October 18, Monster Tales - Beowulf and Beyond - Scott Smith, Penn State professor of medieval lit, comics, and horror offers stories for the season
     Motion to approve honorarium of $150 per presenter up to two, $100 per person for more than two. Approved, (Nancy, Joanne).

Old House Fair
(Joseph) - On the Road: 3 programs. Phil Ruth - The 1868 house - July 21 at 2PM at APS. Phil Ruth presented a well researched and documented history of Joseph’s house on Spring street. The presentation was videotaped. September 22 - Leonard Rhone House (Rhonymeade House) - James Leshner September 28, 9AM-4PM - Windows Workshop (Ken Nettle) - Centre Furnace Mansion. $50 - limited to 20

Historic Preservation (Jeanne) - The committee will start meeting quarterly with the next meeting to be in October. The grand opening of the Freight Station will be in the spring, probably April. Crossing the tracks is limited to the new wooden walkway from Potter street. Dave said that makes moving kayaks and equipment more difficult. Ted Conkln is constructing the display cabinet. The television, donated by the Conklins, has been installed. There is a glass enclosed display case at one end. Nancy discussed the elements of the display which will include a large photo of Dave. The acute angle corner will be enclosed for storage and the adjacent area will display the hazards encountered on streams.
     Dave discussed the elements of the kayak display including several molds, repairs necessary for some of the molds and kayaks and th problems cause by ground hogs.
     The Foundation has contracted out the work for a website with a donation feature.

Talleyrand Park (Joanne) - The suspension bridge wood was painted by the congregation of Watermark Church. The wood eventually will be replaced by the Borough.

Bellefonte Victorian Christmas - Arts & Crafts Show - Applications coming in.

Old Business - None
 New Business - None
 Adjourned - Joanne, Joseph

Next BHCA Meeting - October 11, 7 PM at The Lofts Conference Room

Jim Dunne, Secretary