Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings
February 21, 2020
The Lofts Conference Room
Present: - Romayne Naylor, President, Joseph Griffin,
Vice-President, Jim Dunne, Secretary, Dave Kurtz, Melady Kehm, Julia Kasdorf,
Phil Ruth, Joanne Tosti-Vasey, True Fisher
Minutes 2019-11-15 - Approved (True, Melady)
Treasurer’s Report (Dave Eggler) – No report
Committee Reports
Summer Sounds - Summer schedule completed by committee. John Mills
concert was not able to be funded.
Bellefonte Sunday Afternoon Chamber Music Series at Trinity UMC, 2:30 PM
- Feb. 16 - Revamped Duo - Mark and Sally Minnich, violinists - The concert was
excellent and very well attended March 29 - Zephyr Trio-Diane Toulson and Cathy
Herrera, flutes, Anne Sullivan, harp
Poetry (Julia, Patrick) - 7:30 p.m. Bellefonte Art Museum
Friday, March 20, Poet Robin Becker
Making the Most of Local - What does it mean for a community to know and grow
out of the genius of its place? Beyond its latitude and longitude, is there
anything unique about Centre County? If so, how can we use it to nurture our
communities? How can we employ our regional identity to improve our lives and
the lives of those around us? Samuel Dodd (architectural history) and Angela
Sprunger (art and community) from Athens, Ohio , will discuss creative
placemaking and employ storytelling and offer concrete examples of development
of local commerce, local decision making, and relationship with a local academic
institution. Participants will learn from the experience of another small,
Appalachian town, and consider ways that embracing our geographic and cultural
identity can benefit almost every facet of our lives. Following the
presentation, a panel of local community leaders will respond and help to
facilitate further conversation.
Old House Fair (Joseph) - Making the Most of Local (see above)
Historic Preservation (Jeanne Newlin) - Preseration Foundtion Fund Raiser
and Awards May 7, 5-9 PM at APS. Joanne & Joe will receive an award for their
porch restoration. Freight House - strip lights were purchased for the display
Talleyrand Park (True) - Joanne reported
cantilevered bridge planned for railroad bridge which will provide handicapped
access from the Train Station to the new section of the park.
Dave Kurtz described an old chest that you can sit on and a mold and the
original boat made from it that will be on display.
Bellefonte Victorian Christmas (Sally) - No Report
Old Business - has finished the last article for BHCA. It
was a very interesting article on the history of the two fire departments in
New Business - (1) Bellefonte Arts & Crafts Fair - The fair held in
August has requested a donation. After discussion we approved a donation of $200
(Joanne, Joseph). (2)Volunteer Fair at APS Saturday, March 7, 10-2. We will have
a table at the Fair.
Adjourned -Gay, True
Next BHCA Meeting - March 13, 2020, 7 PM at The Lofts Conference Room.
Jim Dunne, Secretary