Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings


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February 10, 2023
Bellefonte Train Station

Present: Romayne Naylor, Joseph Griffin, Jim Dunne, Dave Kurtz, Julia Kasdorf, Phil Ruth, Melady Kehm, K.C. Murphy (does social media for 5 Coast Guard District th and 2 local farmers markets).

Treasurer’s Report (Dave Eggler) - Report not submitted because of Dave’s illness. will be retired because software needs to be updated and add security. K.C. Murphy has offered to bridge the webmaster gap.

Summer Sounds – Tentative schedule submitted

Bellefonte Sunday Afternoon Chamber Music Series - Sundays, 2:30 PM, Trinity UMC
     Feb. 19 Sarah Shafer, soprano and Timothy Shafer, Piano
     (April 16 Centre Brass Quintet will need to be rescheduled due to conflict witn Nittany Valley Symphony Concert.)

Poetry - Julia Kasdorf - Story telling workshop at Bellefonte Art Museum Feb. 11. Bellefonte Moth Feb. 17 at Fellowship Hall behind St. John’s Episcopal Church, 120 W. Lamb St. 15-20 minutes will be allotted for audience participation.

Freight House - Dave Kurtz: K.C. Murphy are working on boat and paddle placement and sign placement.

Bellefonte Victorian Christmas - No report

BHCA - Joseph’s Proposal - Joseph has been contacting possible candidates for a revised Board of Directors. He presented a lost of candidates

Next BHCA Meeting - March 31 at the Train Station - Bring Snacks -

Thanks to Julia for bringing snacks for this meeting.
Jim Dunne, Secretary
Thanks to Romayne for taking notes.